Add a star to the Adjusted Rating if the Quality Measure Rating is 5-stars.Subtract one star from the Health Inspection Rating if the Staffing Rating is one-star.(We will call this the "Adjusted Rating".) Add one star to the Health Inspection Rating if the Staffing Rating is at least four-stars and is higher than the Health Inspection Rating.Begin with the Health Inspection Rating.So, since there are FIVE ratings and FIVE stars for each rating, there must also be a FIVE step process to calculate the Overall Rating (so symetrical!) : According to CMS, the reason for adopting a different system is to give the Health Inspection Rating higher weight in the Overall Rating. See the latest cut rates on this table.Ĭalculating the Overall Star Rating is done differently. Cut-rates are redefined periodically and are published by CMS. The division between star ratings is called the “cut-rate”. The staff ratings and quality measure ratings follow a similar process but the divisions are based on a national ranking. In between 1-star and 5-star, the remaining homes are divided equally into three tranches which correspond with the stars 2 to 4. The top 10 percent of nursing homes (those with the lowest scores) are awarded a 5-star rating the bottom 20 percent (those with the highest scores) are awarded a 1-star rating. For the Health Inspection Rating the nursing homes in each state are ranked based on their weighted three year inspection score. Nursing homes are rated from 1-star to 5-stars with 1-star being the best rating and 5-star being the best rating. The rating system has five separate ratings including: The rating system was initially developed in 2008 and the methodologies are regularly reviewed and updated. The rating system allows people to easily compare facilities across numerous dimensions with the express purpose of identifying the best and best performing nursing homes. What Goes Into the Nursing Home's 5-Star RatingĬMS has put a lot of effort into creating its very elaborate 5-Star Quality Rating System specifically to provide a quick way for residents and family members to easily understand how well a nursing home is performing and to make comparing nursing homes easier. It has been 6 months since the most recent inspection. Inspection Scores Cycle 1 Score (as of August 10, 2017) 8 Cycle 2 Score (as of July 15, 2016) 12 Cycle 3 Score NA Weighted All Cycles Score 10